AACE: Artificial sweeteners tentatively linked to Hashimotos thyroiditis
Aspartame, ACE K, sucralose, saccharin, neotame, and advantame are used worldwide as artificial sweeteners. Xylitol, sorbitol, and erythritol belong to another group of sugar alcohols or plant-derived sweeteners. The truth is that while consuming aspartame can potentially cause or contribute to a thyroid condition, it does seem that most of the symptoms and conditions related to the consumption of aspartame are neurological in nature.
3. Body Weight Gain and Diabetes
A group of rats was not fed any sugar, while other groups of rats were given different types of sugar substitutes. The rats who were fed artificial sweeteners developed altered thyroid activity, and their thyroid activity differed based on the type of sugar substitute they received. Future research on artificial sweeteners should take into account individual differences, including the intestinal microbiota, the type of artificial sweetener itself, and the duration of previous artificial sweetener administration.
thoughts on “Aspartame and thyroid autoimmunity”
Why has aspartame been demonised by the world’s press and countless websites? Monsanto was in the public eye, accused of enthusiastic dissemination of genetically modified plants and foods. People resent interference with foods, and synthetic food components are regarded with suspicion. However, aspartame comprises just two amino acids (aspartic acid and phenylalanine). Phenylalanine is a natural amino acid, and is toxic only in patients who have phenylketonuria.
A TSH test is the only way to determine if you’re managing your hypothyroidism.
- This reaction of the immune system might have to do with the way your body metabolizes aspartame or how sucralose affects immune system organs like the thymus gland and spleen.
- Thus, cyclamate acts as a competitive antagonist for these two receptors.
- Nonetheless, not much is known about the human implications of these findings, considering that the phenomenon of the excessive consumption of sugar substitutes is relatively new.
- He looked at her thyroid function, and her TSH was elevated, so he sent her to me.
It is commonly known as NutraSweet, Equal, NatraTaste Blue or number E951. There are many other artificial sweeteners but I will focus on aspartame in this blog. Aspartame is about 200 times sweeter than sugar so very little is needed to achieve the same sweetness as sugar. Fibroblast growth factor (FGF21) is a known hormone that regulates glucose and lipid metabolism 45; FGF21 is a hepatokine secreted by the liver synthroid dizziness 46. The administration of FGF21 or its analogs to obese nonhuman primates has been shown to decrease food intake, reduce overweight, and improve plasma lipid profiles while increasing circulating adiponectin 47,48. Consistently, the acute administration or overexpression of FGF21 suppresses the intake of both sugar and non-caloric sweeteners.
ACE K is present in tabletop sweeteners, carbonated beverages, frozen desserts, candies, chewing gum, dairy products, syrups, and sauces 1,13,14. ACE K is the potassium salt of 6-methyl-1,2,3-oxathiazine-4(3H)-one 2,2-dioxide. ACE K is a heat-stable sweetener and it is 200 times sweeter than sucrose. It has a bitter aftertaste at high concentrations and is blended with sucralose or aspartame.
- However, it is a common disorder, especially in people who eat the Standard American Diet.
- Since blood glucose and insulin are rarely checked within 15 min after loading, this seems to be an important finding when considering the effects of artificial sweeteners.
- The trick for me is to be strong and wait minutes after that and the craving go away.
- The truth is that while consuming aspartame can potentially cause or contribute to a thyroid condition, it does seem that most of the symptoms and conditions related to the consumption of aspartame are neurological in nature.
- If you have thyroid disease, a well-balanced diet is important, and there are some special considerations that you need to be aware of because certain foods can exacerbate thyroid disease.
The most commonly used ones include aspartame, sucralose, and saccharin. The sugar substitutes are attributed with a large number of health-related side effects in animal studies, ranging from obesity to various malignancies 6-9. Nonetheless, not much is known about the human implications of these findings, considering that the phenomenon of the excessive consumption of sugar substitutes is relatively new. ACE K (0.05%)-containing water caused both body weight gain and fat gain compared to 10% sucrose-sweetened water due to an improved energy efficiency in Sprague Dawley rats (5–6-week-old males) 34.
- Our literature search failed to reveal any association between autoimmune thyroid disorders and aspartame consumption.
- Compared to sucrose, artificial sweeteners are hundreds of times sweeter, so the use of various artificial sweeteners together can reduce the amount of sugar used.
- Otherwise, the zero-calorie sweetener is a man-made alternative to table sugar.
- If you perform a search in Google or any other search engine under “aspartame side effects”, you will find plenty of information which should convince you to avoid this artificial ingredient.
- Some reported that dietary sugar and artificial sweeteners (2 mM sucralose) increased SGLT1 mRNA and protein expression as well as glucose absorptive capacity in wild-type mice but not in knockout mice lacking T1R3 or alpha-gustducin 25.
- If your energy returns, you lose weight, and you feel better, sweeteners should be dropped from your diet.
Moderation is key when it comes to the use of any sweetener, but particularly when it comes to artificial products, which are often difficult for the body to metabolize and eliminate efficiently. Letters to the Editor should be no longer than 2 double-spaced typewritten pages and should contain no more than 4 references. They should be signed, with the expectation that the letters will be published if appropriate. The right to edit all correspondence in accordance with Journal style is reserved by the editors. Brominated vegetable oil (BVO) is added to citrus drinks like Mountain Dew, Sun Drop, Gatorade, and some energy drinks.
You’ll feel better immediately after starting treatment.
Interestingly, advantame is also a flavor enhancer for dairy, fruit, citrus, mint, etc. Advantame is involved in milk products, frozen dairy, nonalcoholic beverages, and chewing gums. We appreciate the comments made by Dr. Roberts, who raised the possibility of aspartame-related Graves’ disease and pulmonary hypertension. Our literature search failed to reveal any association between autoimmune thyroid disorders and aspartame consumption.
I had noticed that some tricks can reduce my sugar cravings, which I usually have after dinner. Good adrenal support day formula works well for me if I notice experiencing lots of sugar cravings. Eating something fatty (few nuts or small piece of feta cheese) or sour (pickled or fermented vegetables) after a main meal has helped me personally. The trick for me is to be strong and wait minutes after that and the craving go away. A teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in some water before a meal also lowers my blood sugar and helps.
Just take the test order slip to any LabCorp location to get your blood drawn and LabCorp will send it away for you. You’ll get your results in as little as 5 business days and can then discuss them with your doctor. Advantame is made from aspartame and vanillin, but science has shown that it is processed differently in the body than aspartame. Unfortunately, research is lacking regarding advantame and its impact on overall health.