SerializeJSON jQuery plugin.
version 3.2.0 (Dec, 2020)
Copyright (c) 2012-2021 Mario Izquierdo
Dual licensed under the MIT (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php)
and GPL (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php) licenses.
(function (factory) {
/* global define, require, module */
if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) { // AMD. Register as an anonymous module.
define(["jquery"], factory);
} else if (typeof exports === "object") { // Node/CommonJS
var jQuery = require("jquery");
module.exports = factory(jQuery);
} else { // Browser globals (zepto supported)
factory(window.jQuery || window.Zepto || window.$); // Zepto supported on browsers as well
}(function ($) {
"use strict";
var rCRLF = /\r?\n/g;
var rsubmitterTypes = /^(?:submit|button|image|reset|file)$/i;
var rsubmittable = /^(?:input|select|textarea|keygen)/i;
var rcheckableType = /^(?:checkbox|radio)$/i;
$.fn.serializeJSON = function (options) {
var f = $.serializeJSON;
var $form = this; // NOTE: the set of matched elements is most likely a form, but it could also be a group of inputs
var opts = f.setupOpts(options); // validate options and apply defaults
var typeFunctions = $.extend({}, opts.defaultTypes, opts.customTypes);
// Make a list with {name, value, el} for each input element
var serializedArray = f.serializeArray($form, opts);
// Convert the serializedArray into a serializedObject with nested keys
var serializedObject = {};
$.each(serializedArray, function (_i, obj) {
var nameSansType = obj.name;
var type = $(obj.el).attr("data-value-type");
if (!type && !opts.disableColonTypes) { // try getting the type from the input name
var p = f.splitType(obj.name); // "foo:string" => ["foo", "string"]
nameSansType = p[0];
type = p[1];
if (type === "skip") {
return; // ignore fields with type skip
if (!type) {
type = opts.defaultType; // "string" by default
var typedValue = f.applyTypeFunc(obj.name, obj.value, type, obj.el, typeFunctions); // Parse type as string, number, etc.
if (!typedValue && f.shouldSkipFalsy(obj.name, nameSansType, type, obj.el, opts)) {
return; // ignore falsy inputs if specified in the options
var keys = f.splitInputNameIntoKeysArray(nameSansType);
f.deepSet(serializedObject, keys, typedValue, opts);
return serializedObject;
// Use $.serializeJSON as namespace for the auxiliar functions
// and to define defaults
$.serializeJSON = {
defaultOptions: {}, // reassign to override option defaults for all serializeJSON calls
defaultBaseOptions: { // do not modify, use defaultOptions instead
checkboxUncheckedValue: undefined, // to include that value for unchecked checkboxes (instead of ignoring them)
useIntKeysAsArrayIndex: false, // name="foo[2]" value="v" => {foo: [null, null, "v"]}, instead of {foo: ["2": "v"]}
skipFalsyValuesForTypes: [], // skip serialization of falsy values for listed value types
skipFalsyValuesForFields: [], // skip serialization of falsy values for listed field names
disableColonTypes: false, // do not interpret ":type" suffix as a type
customTypes: {}, // extends defaultTypes
defaultTypes: {
"string": function(str) { return String(str); },
"number": function(str) { return Number(str); },
"boolean": function(str) { var falses = ["false", "null", "undefined", "", "0"]; return falses.indexOf(str) === -1; },
"null": function(str) { var falses = ["false", "null", "undefined", "", "0"]; return falses.indexOf(str) === -1 ? str : null; },
"array": function(str) { return JSON.parse(str); },
"object": function(str) { return JSON.parse(str); },
"skip": null // skip is a special type used to ignore fields
defaultType: "string",
// Validate and set defaults
setupOpts: function(options) {
if (options == null) options = {};
var f = $.serializeJSON;
// Validate
var validOpts = [
for (var opt in options) {
if (validOpts.indexOf(opt) === -1) {
throw new Error("serializeJSON ERROR: invalid option '" + opt + "'. Please use one of " + validOpts.join(", "));
// Helper to get options or defaults
return $.extend({}, f.defaultBaseOptions, f.defaultOptions, options);
// Just like jQuery's serializeArray method, returns an array of objects with name and value.
// but also includes the dom element (el) and is handles unchecked checkboxes if the option or data attribute are provided.
serializeArray: function($form, opts) {
if (opts == null) { opts = {}; }
var f = $.serializeJSON;
return $form.map(function() {
var elements = $.prop(this, "elements"); // handle propHook "elements" to filter or add form elements
return elements ? $.makeArray(elements) : this;
}).filter(function() {
var $el = $(this);
var type = this.type;
// Filter with the standard W3C rules for successful controls: http://www.w3.org/TR/html401/interact/forms.html#h-17.13.2
return this.name && // must contain a name attribute
!$el.is(":disabled") && // must not be disable (use .is(":disabled") so that fieldset[disabled] works)
rsubmittable.test(this.nodeName) && !rsubmitterTypes.test(type) && // only serialize submittable fields (and not buttons)
(this.checked || !rcheckableType.test(type) || f.getCheckboxUncheckedValue($el, opts) != null); // skip unchecked checkboxes (unless using opts)
}).map(function(_i, el) {
var $el = $(this);
var val = $el.val();
var type = this.type; // "input", "select", "textarea", "checkbox", etc.
if (val == null) {
return null;
if (rcheckableType.test(type) && !this.checked) {
val = f.getCheckboxUncheckedValue($el, opts);
if (isArray(val)) {
return $.map(val, function(val) {
return { name: el.name, value: val.replace(rCRLF, "\r\n"), el: el };
} );
return { name: el.name, value: val.replace(rCRLF, "\r\n"), el: el };
getCheckboxUncheckedValue: function($el, opts) {
var val = $el.attr("data-unchecked-value");
if (val == null) {
val = opts.checkboxUncheckedValue;
return val;
// Parse value with type function
applyTypeFunc: function(name, valStr, type, el, typeFunctions) {
var typeFunc = typeFunctions[type];
if (!typeFunc) { // quick feedback to user if there is a typo or missconfiguration
throw new Error("serializeJSON ERROR: Invalid type " + type + " found in input name '" + name + "', please use one of " + objectKeys(typeFunctions).join(", "));
return typeFunc(valStr, el);
// Splits a field name into the name and the type. Examples:
// "foo" => ["foo", ""]
// "foo:boolean" => ["foo", "boolean"]
// "foo[bar]:null" => ["foo[bar]", "null"]
splitType : function(name) {
var parts = name.split(":");
if (parts.length > 1) {
var t = parts.pop();
return [parts.join(":"), t];
} else {
return [name, ""];
// Check if this input should be skipped when it has a falsy value,
// depending on the options to skip values by name or type, and the data-skip-falsy attribute.
shouldSkipFalsy: function(name, nameSansType, type, el, opts) {
var skipFromDataAttr = $(el).attr("data-skip-falsy");
if (skipFromDataAttr != null) {
return skipFromDataAttr !== "false"; // any value is true, except the string "false"
var optForFields = opts.skipFalsyValuesForFields;
if (optForFields && (optForFields.indexOf(nameSansType) !== -1 || optForFields.indexOf(name) !== -1)) {
return true;
var optForTypes = opts.skipFalsyValuesForTypes;
if (optForTypes && optForTypes.indexOf(type) !== -1) {
return true;
return false;
// Split the input name in programatically readable keys.
// Examples:
// "foo" => ["foo"]
// "[foo]" => ["foo"]
// "foo[inn][bar]" => ["foo", "inn", "bar"]
// "foo[inn[bar]]" => ["foo", "inn", "bar"]
// "foo[inn][arr][0]" => ["foo", "inn", "arr", "0"]
// "arr[][val]" => ["arr", "", "val"]
splitInputNameIntoKeysArray: function(nameWithNoType) {
var keys = nameWithNoType.split("["); // split string into array
keys = $.map(keys, function (key) { return key.replace(/\]/g, ""); }); // remove closing brackets
if (keys[0] === "") { keys.shift(); } // ensure no opening bracket ("[foo][inn]" should be same as "foo[inn]")
return keys;
// Set a value in an object or array, using multiple keys to set in a nested object or array.
// This is the main function of the script, that allows serializeJSON to use nested keys.
// Examples:
// deepSet(obj, ["foo"], v) // obj["foo"] = v
// deepSet(obj, ["foo", "inn"], v) // obj["foo"]["inn"] = v // Create the inner obj["foo"] object, if needed
// deepSet(obj, ["foo", "inn", "123"], v) // obj["foo"]["arr"]["123"] = v //
// deepSet(obj, ["0"], v) // obj["0"] = v
// deepSet(arr, ["0"], v, {useIntKeysAsArrayIndex: true}) // arr[0] = v
// deepSet(arr, [""], v) // arr.push(v)
// deepSet(obj, ["arr", ""], v) // obj["arr"].push(v)
// arr = [];
// deepSet(arr, ["", v] // arr => [v]
// deepSet(arr, ["", "foo"], v) // arr => [v, {foo: v}]
// deepSet(arr, ["", "bar"], v) // arr => [v, {foo: v, bar: v}]
// deepSet(arr, ["", "bar"], v) // arr => [v, {foo: v, bar: v}, {bar: v}]
deepSet: function (o, keys, value, opts) {
if (opts == null) { opts = {}; }
var f = $.serializeJSON;
if (isUndefined(o)) { throw new Error("ArgumentError: param 'o' expected to be an object or array, found undefined"); }
if (!keys || keys.length === 0) { throw new Error("ArgumentError: param 'keys' expected to be an array with least one element"); }
var key = keys[0];
// Only one key, then it's not a deepSet, just assign the value in the object or add it to the array.
if (keys.length === 1) {
if (key === "") { // push values into an array (o must be an array)
} else {
o[key] = value; // keys can be object keys (strings) or array indexes (numbers)
var nextKey = keys[1]; // nested key
var tailKeys = keys.slice(1); // list of all other nested keys (nextKey is first)
if (key === "") { // push nested objects into an array (o must be an array)
var lastIdx = o.length - 1;
var lastVal = o[lastIdx];
// if the last value is an object or array, and the new key is not set yet
if (isObject(lastVal) && isUndefined(f.deepGet(lastVal, tailKeys))) {
key = lastIdx; // then set the new value as a new attribute of the same object
} else {
key = lastIdx + 1; // otherwise, add a new element in the array
if (nextKey === "") { // "" is used to push values into the nested array "array[]"
if (isUndefined(o[key]) || !isArray(o[key])) {
o[key] = []; // define (or override) as array to push values
} else {
if (opts.useIntKeysAsArrayIndex && isValidArrayIndex(nextKey)) { // if 1, 2, 3 ... then use an array, where nextKey is the index
if (isUndefined(o[key]) || !isArray(o[key])) {
o[key] = []; // define (or override) as array, to insert values using int keys as array indexes
} else { // nextKey is going to be the nested object's attribute
if (isUndefined(o[key]) || !isObject(o[key])) {
o[key] = {}; // define (or override) as object, to set nested properties
// Recursively set the inner object
f.deepSet(o[key], tailKeys, value, opts);
deepGet: function (o, keys) {
var f = $.serializeJSON;
if (isUndefined(o) || isUndefined(keys) || keys.length === 0 || (!isObject(o) && !isArray(o))) {
return o;
var key = keys[0];
if (key === "") { // "" means next array index (used by deepSet)
return undefined;
if (keys.length === 1) {
return o[key];
var tailKeys = keys.slice(1);
return f.deepGet(o[key], tailKeys);
// polyfill Object.keys to get option keys in IE<9
var objectKeys = function(obj) {
if (Object.keys) {
return Object.keys(obj);
} else {
var key, keys = [];
for (key in obj) { keys.push(key); }
return keys;
var isObject = function(obj) { return obj === Object(obj); }; // true for Objects and Arrays
var isUndefined = function(obj) { return obj === void 0; }; // safe check for undefined values
var isValidArrayIndex = function(val) { return /^[0-9]+$/.test(String(val)); }; // 1,2,3,4 ... are valid array indexes
var isArray = Array.isArray || function(obj) { return Object.prototype.toString.call(obj) === "[object Array]"; };
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