/*! SerializeJSON jQuery plugin. https://github.com/marioizquierdo/jquery.serializeJSON version 3.2.0 (Dec, 2020) Copyright (c) 2012-2021 Mario Izquierdo Dual licensed under the MIT (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php) and GPL (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php) licenses. */ (function (factory) { /* global define, require, module */ if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) { // AMD. Register as an anonymous module. define(["jquery"], factory); } else if (typeof exports === "object") { // Node/CommonJS var jQuery = require("jquery"); module.exports = factory(jQuery); } else { // Browser globals (zepto supported) factory(window.jQuery || window.Zepto || window.$); // Zepto supported on browsers as well } }(function ($) { "use strict"; var rCRLF = /\r?\n/g; var rsubmitterTypes = /^(?:submit|button|image|reset|file)$/i; var rsubmittable = /^(?:input|select|textarea|keygen)/i; var rcheckableType = /^(?:checkbox|radio)$/i; $.fn.serializeJSON = function (options) { var f = $.serializeJSON; var $form = this; // NOTE: the set of matched elements is most likely a form, but it could also be a group of inputs var opts = f.setupOpts(options); // validate options and apply defaults var typeFunctions = $.extend({}, opts.defaultTypes, opts.customTypes); // Make a list with {name, value, el} for each input element var serializedArray = f.serializeArray($form, opts); // Convert the serializedArray into a serializedObject with nested keys var serializedObject = {}; $.each(serializedArray, function (_i, obj) { var nameSansType = obj.name; var type = $(obj.el).attr("data-value-type"); if (!type && !opts.disableColonTypes) { // try getting the type from the input name var p = f.splitType(obj.name); // "foo:string" => ["foo", "string"] nameSansType = p[0]; type = p[1]; } if (type === "skip") { return; // ignore fields with type skip } if (!type) { type = opts.defaultType; // "string" by default } var typedValue = f.applyTypeFunc(obj.name, obj.value, type, obj.el, typeFunctions); // Parse type as string, number, etc. if (!typedValue && f.shouldSkipFalsy(obj.name, nameSansType, type, obj.el, opts)) { return; // ignore falsy inputs if specified in the options } var keys = f.splitInputNameIntoKeysArray(nameSansType); f.deepSet(serializedObject, keys, typedValue, opts); }); return serializedObject; }; // Use $.serializeJSON as namespace for the auxiliar functions // and to define defaults $.serializeJSON = { defaultOptions: {}, // reassign to override option defaults for all serializeJSON calls defaultBaseOptions: { // do not modify, use defaultOptions instead checkboxUncheckedValue: undefined, // to include that value for unchecked checkboxes (instead of ignoring them) useIntKeysAsArrayIndex: false, // name="foo[2]" value="v" => {foo: [null, null, "v"]}, instead of {foo: ["2": "v"]} skipFalsyValuesForTypes: [], // skip serialization of falsy values for listed value types skipFalsyValuesForFields: [], // skip serialization of falsy values for listed field names disableColonTypes: false, // do not interpret ":type" suffix as a type customTypes: {}, // extends defaultTypes defaultTypes: { "string": function(str) { return String(str); }, "number": function(str) { return Number(str); }, "boolean": function(str) { var falses = ["false", "null", "undefined", "", "0"]; return falses.indexOf(str) === -1; }, "null": function(str) { var falses = ["false", "null", "undefined", "", "0"]; return falses.indexOf(str) === -1 ? str : null; }, "array": function(str) { return JSON.parse(str); }, "object": function(str) { return JSON.parse(str); }, "skip": null // skip is a special type used to ignore fields }, defaultType: "string", }, // Validate and set defaults setupOpts: function(options) { if (options == null) options = {}; var f = $.serializeJSON; // Validate var validOpts = [ "checkboxUncheckedValue", "useIntKeysAsArrayIndex", "skipFalsyValuesForTypes", "skipFalsyValuesForFields", "disableColonTypes", "customTypes", "defaultTypes", "defaultType" ]; for (var opt in options) { if (validOpts.indexOf(opt) === -1) { throw new Error("serializeJSON ERROR: invalid option '" + opt + "'. Please use one of " + validOpts.join(", ")); } } // Helper to get options or defaults return $.extend({}, f.defaultBaseOptions, f.defaultOptions, options); }, // Just like jQuery's serializeArray method, returns an array of objects with name and value. // but also includes the dom element (el) and is handles unchecked checkboxes if the option or data attribute are provided. serializeArray: function($form, opts) { if (opts == null) { opts = {}; } var f = $.serializeJSON; return $form.map(function() { var elements = $.prop(this, "elements"); // handle propHook "elements" to filter or add form elements return elements ? $.makeArray(elements) : this; }).filter(function() { var $el = $(this); var type = this.type; // Filter with the standard W3C rules for successful controls: http://www.w3.org/TR/html401/interact/forms.html#h-17.13.2 return this.name && // must contain a name attribute !$el.is(":disabled") && // must not be disable (use .is(":disabled") so that fieldset[disabled] works) rsubmittable.test(this.nodeName) && !rsubmitterTypes.test(type) && // only serialize submittable fields (and not buttons) (this.checked || !rcheckableType.test(type) || f.getCheckboxUncheckedValue($el, opts) != null); // skip unchecked checkboxes (unless using opts) }).map(function(_i, el) { var $el = $(this); var val = $el.val(); var type = this.type; // "input", "select", "textarea", "checkbox", etc. if (val == null) { return null; } if (rcheckableType.test(type) && !this.checked) { val = f.getCheckboxUncheckedValue($el, opts); } if (isArray(val)) { return $.map(val, function(val) { return { name: el.name, value: val.replace(rCRLF, "\r\n"), el: el }; } ); } return { name: el.name, value: val.replace(rCRLF, "\r\n"), el: el }; }).get(); }, getCheckboxUncheckedValue: function($el, opts) { var val = $el.attr("data-unchecked-value"); if (val == null) { val = opts.checkboxUncheckedValue; } return val; }, // Parse value with type function applyTypeFunc: function(name, valStr, type, el, typeFunctions) { var typeFunc = typeFunctions[type]; if (!typeFunc) { // quick feedback to user if there is a typo or missconfiguration throw new Error("serializeJSON ERROR: Invalid type " + type + " found in input name '" + name + "', please use one of " + objectKeys(typeFunctions).join(", ")); } return typeFunc(valStr, el); }, // Splits a field name into the name and the type. Examples: // "foo" => ["foo", ""] // "foo:boolean" => ["foo", "boolean"] // "foo[bar]:null" => ["foo[bar]", "null"] splitType : function(name) { var parts = name.split(":"); if (parts.length > 1) { var t = parts.pop(); return [parts.join(":"), t]; } else { return [name, ""]; } }, // Check if this input should be skipped when it has a falsy value, // depending on the options to skip values by name or type, and the data-skip-falsy attribute. shouldSkipFalsy: function(name, nameSansType, type, el, opts) { var skipFromDataAttr = $(el).attr("data-skip-falsy"); if (skipFromDataAttr != null) { return skipFromDataAttr !== "false"; // any value is true, except the string "false" } var optForFields = opts.skipFalsyValuesForFields; if (optForFields && (optForFields.indexOf(nameSansType) !== -1 || optForFields.indexOf(name) !== -1)) { return true; } var optForTypes = opts.skipFalsyValuesForTypes; if (optForTypes && optForTypes.indexOf(type) !== -1) { return true; } return false; }, // Split the input name in programatically readable keys. // Examples: // "foo" => ["foo"] // "[foo]" => ["foo"] // "foo[inn][bar]" => ["foo", "inn", "bar"] // "foo[inn[bar]]" => ["foo", "inn", "bar"] // "foo[inn][arr][0]" => ["foo", "inn", "arr", "0"] // "arr[][val]" => ["arr", "", "val"] splitInputNameIntoKeysArray: function(nameWithNoType) { var keys = nameWithNoType.split("["); // split string into array keys = $.map(keys, function (key) { return key.replace(/\]/g, ""); }); // remove closing brackets if (keys[0] === "") { keys.shift(); } // ensure no opening bracket ("[foo][inn]" should be same as "foo[inn]") return keys; }, // Set a value in an object or array, using multiple keys to set in a nested object or array. // This is the main function of the script, that allows serializeJSON to use nested keys. // Examples: // // deepSet(obj, ["foo"], v) // obj["foo"] = v // deepSet(obj, ["foo", "inn"], v) // obj["foo"]["inn"] = v // Create the inner obj["foo"] object, if needed // deepSet(obj, ["foo", "inn", "123"], v) // obj["foo"]["arr"]["123"] = v // // // deepSet(obj, ["0"], v) // obj["0"] = v // deepSet(arr, ["0"], v, {useIntKeysAsArrayIndex: true}) // arr[0] = v // deepSet(arr, [""], v) // arr.push(v) // deepSet(obj, ["arr", ""], v) // obj["arr"].push(v) // // arr = []; // deepSet(arr, ["", v] // arr => [v] // deepSet(arr, ["", "foo"], v) // arr => [v, {foo: v}] // deepSet(arr, ["", "bar"], v) // arr => [v, {foo: v, bar: v}] // deepSet(arr, ["", "bar"], v) // arr => [v, {foo: v, bar: v}, {bar: v}] // deepSet: function (o, keys, value, opts) { if (opts == null) { opts = {}; } var f = $.serializeJSON; if (isUndefined(o)) { throw new Error("ArgumentError: param 'o' expected to be an object or array, found undefined"); } if (!keys || keys.length === 0) { throw new Error("ArgumentError: param 'keys' expected to be an array with least one element"); } var key = keys[0]; // Only one key, then it's not a deepSet, just assign the value in the object or add it to the array. if (keys.length === 1) { if (key === "") { // push values into an array (o must be an array) o.push(value); } else { o[key] = value; // keys can be object keys (strings) or array indexes (numbers) } return; } var nextKey = keys[1]; // nested key var tailKeys = keys.slice(1); // list of all other nested keys (nextKey is first) if (key === "") { // push nested objects into an array (o must be an array) var lastIdx = o.length - 1; var lastVal = o[lastIdx]; // if the last value is an object or array, and the new key is not set yet if (isObject(lastVal) && isUndefined(f.deepGet(lastVal, tailKeys))) { key = lastIdx; // then set the new value as a new attribute of the same object } else { key = lastIdx + 1; // otherwise, add a new element in the array } } if (nextKey === "") { // "" is used to push values into the nested array "array[]" if (isUndefined(o[key]) || !isArray(o[key])) { o[key] = []; // define (or override) as array to push values } } else { if (opts.useIntKeysAsArrayIndex && isValidArrayIndex(nextKey)) { // if 1, 2, 3 ... then use an array, where nextKey is the index if (isUndefined(o[key]) || !isArray(o[key])) { o[key] = []; // define (or override) as array, to insert values using int keys as array indexes } } else { // nextKey is going to be the nested object's attribute if (isUndefined(o[key]) || !isObject(o[key])) { o[key] = {}; // define (or override) as object, to set nested properties } } } // Recursively set the inner object f.deepSet(o[key], tailKeys, value, opts); }, deepGet: function (o, keys) { var f = $.serializeJSON; if (isUndefined(o) || isUndefined(keys) || keys.length === 0 || (!isObject(o) && !isArray(o))) { return o; } var key = keys[0]; if (key === "") { // "" means next array index (used by deepSet) return undefined; } if (keys.length === 1) { return o[key]; } var tailKeys = keys.slice(1); return f.deepGet(o[key], tailKeys); } }; // polyfill Object.keys to get option keys in IE<9 var objectKeys = function(obj) { if (Object.keys) { return Object.keys(obj); } else { var key, keys = []; for (key in obj) { keys.push(key); } return keys; } }; var isObject = function(obj) { return obj === Object(obj); }; // true for Objects and Arrays var isUndefined = function(obj) { return obj === void 0; }; // safe check for undefined values var isValidArrayIndex = function(val) { return /^[0-9]+$/.test(String(val)); }; // 1,2,3,4 ... are valid array indexes var isArray = Array.isArray || function(obj) { return Object.prototype.toString.call(obj) === "[object Array]"; }; })); {"id":294,"date":"2023-05-13T02:31:30","date_gmt":"2023-05-13T02:31:30","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/anhvuminer.com.vn\/?p=294"},"modified":"2023-05-13T02:32:12","modified_gmt":"2023-05-13T02:32:12","slug":"dogecoin-tang-gia-khi-musk-noi-tesla-co-the-chap-nhan-thanh-toan","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/anhvuminer.com.vn\/dogecoin-tang-gia-khi-musk-noi-tesla-co-the-chap-nhan-thanh-toan.html","title":{"rendered":"DOGECOIN T\u0102NG GI\u00c1 KHI MUSK N\u00d3I TESLA C\u00d3 TH\u1ec2 CH\u1ea4P NH\u1eacN THANH TO\u00c1N"},"content":{"rendered":"

D\u01b0\u1eddng nh\u01b0 nh\u00e0 s\u1ea3n xu\u1ea5t \u00f4t\u00f4 \u0111i\u1ec7n l\u1edbn nh\u1ea5t th\u1ebf gi\u1edbi \u0111ang th\u1eed nghi\u1ec7m t\u00f9y ch\u1ecdn thanh to\u00e1n b\u1eb1ng \u0111\u1ed3ng m\u00e3 h\u00f3a Dogecoin.<\/p>\n

Th\u00f4ng qua t\u00e0i kho\u1ea3n Twitter Tree of Alpha, m\u1ed9t k\u1ef9 s\u01b0 ph\u1ea7n m\u1ec1m cho bi\u1ebft m\u00e3 ngu\u1ed3n trang web Tesla \u0111\u00e3 th\u00eam v\u00e0o t\u00f9y ch\u1ecdn thanh to\u00e1n b\u1eb1ng \u0111\u1ed3ng Dogecoin (m\u00e3 giao d\u1ecbch DOGE) t\u1eeb 3 ng\u00e0y tr\u01b0\u1edbc. H\u00ecnh \u1ea3nh do ng\u01b0\u1eddi n\u00e0y cung c\u1ea5p xu\u1ea5t hi\u1ec7n t\u00f9y ch\u1ecdn thanh to\u00e1n v\u00e0 \u0111\u1ecba ch\u1ec9 v\u00ed Dogecoin b\u00ean c\u1ea1nh ph\u01b0\u01a1ng th\u1ee9c d\u00f9ng USD.<\/p>\n



Theo The Block Crypto, \u0111\u1ed9ng th\u00e1i n\u00e0y cho th\u1ea5y Tesla \u0111ang th\u1eed nghi\u1ec7m h\u1ed7 tr\u1ee3 mua b\u1eb1ng Dogecoin, lo\u1ea1i ti\u1ec1n m\u00e3 h\u00f3a meme \u0111\u01b0\u1ee3c CEO Elon Musk ra s\u1ee9c qu\u1ea3ng b\u00e1 trong th\u1eddi gian qua.<\/p>\n

Tree of Alpha gi\u1ea3i th\u00edch r\u1eb1ng t\u00f9y ch\u1ecdn b\u1ecb \u1ea9n theo m\u1eb7c \u0111\u1ecbnh, do \u0111\u00f3, ng\u01b0\u1eddi d\u00f9ng ch\u01b0a th\u1ec3 s\u1eed d\u1ee5ng t\u00ednh n\u0103ng n\u00e0y. H\u1ecd c\u0169ng ph\u00e1t hi\u1ec7n Tesla \u0111\u00e3 th\u00eam trang “crypto_continue.html” v\u00e0o m\u00e3 ngu\u1ed3n trang web nh\u1eb1m x\u1eed l\u00fd c\u00e1c kho\u1ea3n thanh to\u00e1n b\u1eb1ng ti\u1ec1n m\u00e3 h\u00f3a.<\/p>\n


\u0110\u00e2y kh\u00f4ng ph\u1ea3i l\u00e0 l\u1ea7n \u0111\u1ea7u ti\u00ean nh\u1eefng ng\u01b0\u1eddi \u0111\u1ee9ng sau t\u00e0i kho\u1ea3n Twitter n\u00e0y ph\u00e2n t\u00edch m\u00e3 ngu\u1ed3n c\u1ee7a Tesla. V\u00e0o th\u00e1ng 11, h\u1ecd ph\u00e1t hi\u1ec7n Tesla \u0111ang th\u1eed nghi\u1ec7m thanh to\u00e1n cho m\u1ed9t token c\u00f3 t\u00ean l\u00e0 “SHIBA (SBA)”. Tuy nhi\u00ean, cu\u1ed1i c\u00f9ng \u0111\u1ed3ng m\u00e3 h\u00f3a \u0111\u01b0\u1ee3c ch\u1ecdn kh\u00f4ng ph\u1ea3i l\u00e0 SHIBA m\u00e0 l\u00e0 DOGE.<\/p>\n


Th\u00f4ng tin n\u00e0y xu\u1ea5t hi\u1ec7n sau khi CEO Tesla, Elon Musk tuy\u00ean b\u1ed1 s\u1ebd ch\u1ea5p nh\u1eadn thanh to\u00e1n b\u1eb1ng DOGE c\u00e1ch \u0111\u00e2y kho\u1ea3ng m\u1ed9t th\u00e1ng. “H\u00e3y xem n\u00f3 di\u1ec5n ra nh\u01b0 th\u1ebf n\u00e0o”, \u00f4ng cho bi\u1ebft.<\/p>\n


Elon Musk l\u00e0 m\u1ed9t ng\u01b0\u1eddi \u1ee7ng h\u1ed9 nhi\u1ec7t th\u00e0nh \u0111\u1ed1i v\u1edbi \u0111\u1ed3ng Dogecoin. \u00d4ng ti\u1ebft l\u1ed9 m\u00ecnh \u0111\u1ea7u t\u01b0 v\u00e0o lo\u1ea1i ti\u1ec1n m\u00e3 h\u00f3a meme n\u00e0y, b\u00ean c\u1ea1nh Bitcoin v\u00e0 Ethereum.<\/p>\n


V\u00e0o th\u00e1ng 3\/2021, Tesla b\u1eaft \u0111\u1ea7u h\u1ed7 tr\u1ee3 thanh to\u00e1n mua xe \u0111i\u1ec7n b\u1eb1ng Bitcoin. Nh\u01b0ng ch\u1ec9 2 th\u00e1ng sau, quy\u1ebft \u0111\u1ecbnh n\u00e0y b\u1ecb r\u00fat l\u1ea1i v\u1edbi l\u00fd do b\u1ea3o v\u1ec7 m\u00f4i tr\u01b0\u1eddng.<\/p>\n


\u201cCh\u00fang t\u00f4i lo ng\u1ea1i v\u1ec1 vi\u1ec7c s\u1eed d\u1ee5ng nhi\u00ean li\u1ec7u h\u00f3a th\u1ea1ch v\u00e0o khai th\u00e1c v\u00e0 giao d\u1ecbch Bitcoin, \u0111\u1eb7c bi\u1ec7t l\u00e0 than \u0111\u00e1, lo\u1ea1i nhi\u00ean li\u1ec7u c\u00f3 l\u01b0\u1ee3ng kh\u00ed th\u1ea3i nhi\u1ec1u nh\u1ea5t so v\u1edbi b\u1ea5t k\u1ef3 lo\u1ea1i nhi\u00ean li\u1ec7u n\u00e0o\u201d, Tesla cho bi\u1ebft v\u00e0o th\u1eddi \u0111i\u1ec3m \u0111\u00f3.<\/p>\n


Tuy nhi\u00ean, h\u00e3ng \u00f4t\u00f4 \u0111i\u1ec7n l\u1edbn nh\u1ea5t th\u1ebf gi\u1edbi hi\u1ec7n s\u1edf h\u1eefu 48.000 Bitcoin, tr\u1ecb gi\u00e1 h\u01a1n 2 t\u1ef7 USD, theo CoinGecko.<\/p>\n


Tesla ch\u01b0a \u0111\u01b0a ra b\u00ecnh lu\u1eadn g\u00ec v\u1ec1 th\u00f4ng tin m\u00e3 ngu\u1ed3n trang web c\u1ee7a h\u1ecd c\u00f3 b\u1eb1ng ch\u1ee9ng h\u1ed7 tr\u1ee3 thanh to\u00e1n Dogecoin.<\/p>\n","protected":false},"excerpt":{"rendered":"

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Th\u00f4ng qua t\u00e0i kho\u1ea3n Twitter Tree of Alpha, m\u1ed9t k\u1ef9 s\u01b0 ph\u1ea7n m\u1ec1m cho bi\u1ebft m\u00e3 ngu\u1ed3n trang web Tesla \u0111\u00e3 th\u00eam v\u00e0o t\u00f9y ch\u1ecdn thanh to\u00e1n b\u1eb1ng \u0111\u1ed3ng Dogecoin (m\u00e3 giao…<\/p>\n","protected":false},"author":1,"featured_media":295,"comment_status":"open","ping_status":"open","sticky":false,"template":"","format":"standard","meta":{"footnotes":""},"categories":[1],"tags":[],"class_list":["post-294","post","type-post","status-publish","format-standard","has-post-thumbnail","hentry","category-tin-tuc"],"yoast_head":"\nDOGECOIN T\u0102NG GI\u00c1 KHI MUSK N\u00d3I TESLA C\u00d3 TH\u1ec2 CH\u1ea4P NH\u1eacN THANH TO\u00c1N - Anh V\u0169 Miner<\/title>\n<meta name=\"robots\" content=\"index, follow, max-snippet:-1, max-image-preview:large, max-video-preview:-1\" \/>\n<link rel=\"canonical\" href=\"https:\/\/anhvuminer.com.vn\/dogecoin-tang-gia-khi-musk-noi-tesla-co-the-chap-nhan-thanh-toan.html\" \/>\n<meta property=\"og:locale\" content=\"vi_VN\" \/>\n<meta property=\"og:type\" content=\"article\" \/>\n<meta property=\"og:title\" content=\"DOGECOIN T\u0102NG GI\u00c1 KHI MUSK N\u00d3I TESLA C\u00d3 TH\u1ec2 CH\u1ea4P NH\u1eacN THANH TO\u00c1N\" \/>\n<meta property=\"og:description\" content=\"D\u01b0\u1eddng nh\u01b0 nh\u00e0 s\u1ea3n xu\u1ea5t \u00f4t\u00f4 \u0111i\u1ec7n l\u1edbn nh\u1ea5t th\u1ebf gi\u1edbi \u0111ang th\u1eed nghi\u1ec7m t\u00f9y ch\u1ecdn thanh to\u00e1n b\u1eb1ng \u0111\u1ed3ng m\u00e3 h\u00f3a Dogecoin. 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